circular economy
The economy whereby used raw materials form the basis for new products.

Products which you only use once.

consumer good
A product that is intended to be used more often.

The conversion of products into less valuable products and materials.

extension of useful life
Ensuring that products will last longer.

linear economy
The economy of making – using – discarding.

maximisation of use
Using goods longer and more frequently.

Paris Agreement
Agreements between countries laid down in a convention in 2015 intended to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and thus to keep global warming below 2°C.

The reuse of (parts of) old products in a new production process.

Reusing useful parts of worn products.

sharing economy
Using goods from each other in return for payment.

Producing in such a way that the production is not at the expense of future generations, for instance by not harming the environment. Production is sustainable when account is taken of the long-term consequences for mankind and the environment.

Used materials are processed to new, valuable products.
